Sunday 17 August 2008

Some are born to sweet delight...

...some are born to endless night. *

The situation here is much worse than what I initially imagined...

A closer look reveals different images of China to the ones on display for the tourists...

In the space of five minutes I witnessed people with missing limps, extensive burns and body abnormalities being kicked about by shop owners who do not want them begging outside their venues...

One of them went on to cross the busy road without looking left or right... like if he had something to lose...

Two hundred yards from Starbucks in Xi'an, behind the facade of the tall buildings along the main road, lies a sea of debris and rubbish, where once stood a traditional hutong neighbourhood...

And there was a woman shifting through the mess to find something of value to sell...

A very common profession that is...

Like collecting plastic bottles from the recycling bins in order to sell them on and earn who knows how little...

There is just one saying that keeps on coming to my mind:

"The only reason that misery still exists is human egoism".

*William Blake, Auguries of Innocence

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