Saturday 23 August 2008

This is not the end...

I am sitting in a two hundred years old pagoda house, in the middle of a lake with green waters and red fish.

The stone-carved dragon's head sends water under wooden arc-shaped bridges.

Outside, the city of Shanghai roars vibrantly.

I am thinking about the two journeys: the visible across Asia and the invisible one...

I sense as I sit in solitude that double march of my being.

I saw, I touched the visible journey, all its details firmly fixed by matter.

But the inner journey flickers half invisible, stripped of any solid body.

I will have to catch it in words, if it is not to be dispersed...

Yes I know, the finest essence cannot be caught in the net of words, but something still remains - a subtle perfume that stirs our senses and reveals the invisible.

I feel my heart broadened these last weeks by my contact with the earth in solitude.

Something within me has ripened; someone within me has taken a step forward.

Leaning over my notebook, I try to follow this line that has moved...*

* homage to Nikos Kazantzakis


A Brindley said...

Hi Marios,
It sounds like you are having a brilliant adventure and I'm glad you are alive still! I don't envy you eating slugs but my puppy does that alot too! Wonderful photos - I will try and include them in Geog lessons in the future.
Take care

Anonymous said...

Hi its jamie auge-.............. anyway i've only just checked up on this after my hols, scorpions camel milk etc i wont be suprised if u come bak with a stomach disease or a liver disease what ure doin is great though looks fun fun (sadly theres only 2 more weeks of summer left (or wat u can call summer)isnt that great (sarcasm)

P.S. PAOK i never knew they were ure team r they like the Greek Newcastle Utd anyway u already know who the real best team are. I've got my new exotic shirt KUN AGUERO if u do not know who that is check out the olympics which by the way team GB ruled at

Anonymous said...

what day do u get back sir cos it seems like schools just round the corner. it looks like school dinners will be a big difference to what youve been eating the youve been eating should taste better (just kidding to any dinnerladies reading this).

Marioz said...

Right Aguero,

thanks for your (not so) supportive comments ;p

made it back to the uk yesterday, all in one piece too!

enjoy the last days before term starts :)

Sandra said...

Hi there,

I found your blog when typing niños de los andes. I dont really understand what you are doing to get some money and help children, if I understood well your mission.
I mean, by travelling how do you collect the money?
Anyway, I think that it's amazing what you're doing. Specially since many Colombians (myself included) do not feel as touched as you have.
Have a great time travelling and may your dreams come true!

Marioz said...

Hello Sandra,

The initial idea was to make the work of Papa Jaime known to people in England.

The school where I teach was keen to support me, and there started this dialogue between me and my students, who posed culinary challenges for me to complete on my way through Asia.

They then had to inform friends and family about Niños de los Andes, and they also had the option of supporting the Fundacion Niños de los Andes via the school's unofficial fund (details of the latter can be found at the bottom of the right hand column).

Since then, I have returned to Hampshire, but as a school we continue to support Niños de los Andes, via charity events throughout the academic year.

Having lived in South America myself, the discovery and existence of this underworld has been mind-blowing. At least, even from 12000km away, I feel I can do something about the children by spreading the word... Especially when I believe that we have everything in life...

Thank you for your kind words & take care!